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Joint Rzgulatiuns [10 of 1939
“International Convention" means any International Telecommuni—
cation Convention or Conventions to which the Condominium
may be a party, and ineludes any Regulations mode thereunder;
“Residen! Commissioners” menus His Britannic Majestfs Resident
Commissioner and the Resident Commissioner for the French
Republic actingjointly.
Z. Radio transmission sud reception in the New Hebrides
shall be nnder the control of the Resident Commissioners, provided
that nothing in this Regulntion shall apply to radio when used by
vessels belonging w His Britannic Majesty’s Navy or the chh
3. No persan shall establish in the New Hebrides any apparatus
for the pin-pose cf radiocommunication without a licence from the
Commissioners issned undei' such conditions upon the payment cf
sucli fees as may be prescribed; provided that this section shall not
apply to radio apparatus in ships ofthe Marchant Service or sircrafl
licensed by another Administration. Applications for licences shall
be made to the Britisli Resident Commissioner in respect of British
subjeets and ressortissants and to the French Resident Commissioner
in respect ol‘ French citizens and ressortissants.
4. No radiocommunication exoept a message aifecting naviga-
tion shall be transmith to or received from any place outside the
New Hebrides by any vessel or aircraft which luis dllly entered the
New Hebrides but not cleared thereftom unless sueh message is
passed through the Condominium Wireless Station at Viia or such
other station in the Group as may be directed by the Resident
5. No radio apparatus installed on board a merchant ship
shall be worked or used while the sliip is in any cf the Harbonrs of
the New Hebrides except with the s-peeial or general permission of
the Residmt Commissionets.
6. Upon application made in the l‘orm cf schednle 2 (a) or
2 (b) hereto, whichever be appropriate, and under such conditions
as they may deem fit to impose and open payment cf such fee as they
may presa-ibe, the Rident Commissioners may grant licences in
the foi-m of Schedule 3 (a) or 3 (b) hereto, whichwer be appropriate,
m any person to establish a station for radiocommunication on land
or on board a sln'p and to make in mpect of transmissions or
reoeption snch charges as may front time to time be authorised by
flic Resident Commissioners. It shall be a condition of any licence
issued under this Section that the lioensee shall observe the stipula-
tions of the International Telecommunications Union. These licences
shall be issued by the Condominium Postmaster.