(c) lloiésmm cf station 113mm md LonginldeICu-mdimteéinnd Mme)
Type n! Lune: req
(i) Commncill—is 120 ot in equivllml in Naw Hnbddun francs n
lhe cm: me a axchange pu annmn for du fin! Iwo stations.
(ESIz. 30 or ira equivnlmt inNew Hein-idem francs a! the ennui ml:
uf exdmugp par mnum far euh Iddiüona] nation.
(ü) Nunmmmflcül—istg. 10 or its :qnivalm in New Hehridem film:
ut (h: minent me nf par annum.
Dnœlmmwhidxlimœhmqniredtowmmcnœ......... . . . . . . . ..
Nnu: Ewiry oflicenœwillbe amanmme dateofluunmd the
liœnee fee for mml must be paid ut leur m mont!) Mot:
the expiw dm.
(e) anlluldä cf use
(i) Oumpnlmry .3522 k1:
' 552.5 kca
390 k5
.(flo be inscmd bäln Im—
ding so w-m w a gnan
6900 kan
5471.5 tas
5800 km
(r) Synem of munition
Puwer cf ummlan.
mrmnl 15 watts, but un
if lequiml for saüsfnmry communiufiml).
ben of mw knowledga and bdnl'. 1 undemand flint I nm required m cunfm-m m
the pravisions of ch: lqœmaflonnl Telecommuniuu'om Union and m Il]: pro
visions ofloint Rzguhllnn No. 10 of 1939. w any amendmmu and: (baronner
Indtodlespecia‘ pmvisimu 'ven on duliœnœ. lugree loinmll mihbleequiP—
151mm and {ghmninmin le eommum'œliun with 1h: Condominimn Radio
4 . . . . . . . .. Dm..
(Joint chulation No. 10 of 1939 u Imflnd by Juin! Regulnlian No. 9 #1941.
No. 5 01' 1954 and No. 15 M1962.)
Application fur Authority w Esubüsb and Use a Satin for Rldiœommuniu-
Iion on baud n :hip.
(a) Name chhip. .4
(b) 0mm Numhcx and nm a! 3mm; (1: apphcabu).