[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulatiom [12 of 1939
dangermls ring; il flœ Ne" Hehrides.
Joint lègulation Na. 12 of 1939 was published In Condominium
Gazette No. 118 and i: reprinted as amended by the folIowing Joint
7 nf 1952 Candominium Gazette Nu. 178
3 of 1959 Condominium: Gazme No. 203
W1, His Briiannic Mnjesty‘s Resident Commissioner and tire
Rcsidcnt Commissioner for the French Republic in the New chridcs,
Do anxnv MAIŒ the following Joint Regulaliun.
l. ln this Regulaticn nnless the context otherwise requires—
“raw opium" means Lhe spantaneously coagulaled juice obtnined
from th: capsules cf the Papaver somniferum L., which has
cnly bcen submiüed to the neccssnry manipulations for pacldng
and transport, whatever its content of morphine;
“prepared opium” means Opium prepared for smoking and includes
dross and any Olhc’l' rcsiducs remaining afler Opium has becn
“mcdicinal Opium” mans raw cpium which 1ms undergone the
procesm necessary to adapt it for medicinal use in accordande
with the requiremcnts of th: British Pharmaccpoeia, whetlwr
it in in Lhe fur-m cf powder cr is granulated or is in any other
form and whcdwr it is or is not mixed with mutral materials;
“caca leaves" menus 111e leaves cf 1h: Erythroxylon Coca Imamk
and lhe Erthmxylan novogranatenm (Morris) Hieronymus
and their vuicties belonging to the famiiy cf Erythroxylaoeae
and L11: larves cf olhcr species cf Lln's gcnns from which cocuine
can be extracted eithcr direclly or by chical transfurmation;
“Indian hcmp” means 1.11: dried fiowering or fruiting tops of the
pislillaœ plant known as Cunnibis sativa from which t1]: resin
ha: not been extracted. by whatevar name such tops are called.
2. The importation, sale, supply or posscsaion in the New
Hebrides offlw following substances and matezinls nxacpt as providnd
in article 3 hereof i5 prohibiæd—
(1) Opium Poppy, seed cf the Opium Poppy, Raw Opium,
Medicinnl Opium or Opium in the form of u'nctures, entrants,
and other such preparations œntaining more than 0.2% cf
Morphine as made from Opium.
(2) Morphine and its salis, and d'nacetylmorphine (com-
monly known as diamm'phine or heroin) and Lbs ailier mers cf