[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regularions [12 of 1939
(29) Methyldesorphine (6-methyl-6-dcsoxymorphine), its
salts and any preparation, admixture, amant or other substance
conteiuing any proportion ot' methyldesorphine.
(30) Pethidiue (1-methyl—4—phenylpiperidinM—carbaxylic
acid etbyl ester), its sans and any preparation, admixture,
extrnct or other substance containing nny proportion of petbi—
(31) Properidine (l—rnethyl—4—phmy1piperidinc—4-carboxylic
acid isopropyl ester), its salts and any preparation, admixture.
extract or other substance containing sny proportion of pro-
(32) The esters (other than the ethyl and iwprophyl esters)
of l-methylA-pbenylpiperidine—Lœrboxyiic acid, their salts and
any preparation, admixture, extrsct or other substance contain-
ing nny proportion of th: esters.
(33) Etoxeridine (1-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)—ethyl]—4-pbenyl—
pipcridinwi—carboxylîo acid ethyl ester), ils sans and any
preparnticn, admixture, mm or ctber substance containing
any proportion ot‘ etoxeridine. -
(34) Anileridine (1-[Hp-aminopbenylkthy11—4uphenyk
piperidine—4—cnrboxyiic scid ethyl ester), ils salts and any
preparation, admixbum extraet or other substance containing
any proportion of nnileridine.
(35) Morpberidine (l-(2-morpholinoefl1yl)—4-phenylpiperi—
dine—4—carboxylie nain ethyl ester), its snits nnd nny prepnrstion,
“mixture, extract or uther substance containing any proportion
of morplmridine. '
(36) Alpbameprodine (001—metbyl-3-ethyl—4—phenyl—4—
propicnoxyplperidine), its saJts and nny prepsration, admixmre,
extract or other substance containjng my proportion of alpha-
(37) Betameprodine (B-l-methyl-S—etbyMphenyl—4—pro—
pionoxypiperidine). its salts and nny prepmtion, ndnrixture,
extract or Dther substmce contxining nny proportion of beta-
(38) Trimeperidine (l:2:5—trimethyl-4—phenyl—4—propionyi—
oxypiperidine), its sans and nny prepantion, admixture,
entrant or other substance containing nny proportion cf tri-
(39) Proheptazine (i:3—dimethyln4-pheny1-4-propionyloxy-
hexamethyleneùninc) its salts and nny prepamion, admixture,
extract or cther substance containing nny proportion of pro—
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