1. The Commander and Oflîcers of any ship of Hi: Majesty’s
Navy or of the Navy cf the Franc}: Repllblic are hcreby sewrally
and individually investh with the “me powers of enforcemeut of
any Joint chulaticn in force in lhe New Hebriden Condominium
as arc lcgally possessed by Police Ofiiccrs or other duly authorized
oficials of the Condominium in respect thmof.
2. This Joint chulation my be cited as the Naval Ofliocrs‘
Polio: Powm Joint Regnlation 1940, and shall coma inta opcration
on thc fils! day of April, 1940.
Dated at Vila this cightcenth day of Match, 1940.
The Resident Commission:
for un Ftench Republic.
His Britannic Majesty’s Acting
Resident Commissiouer.