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Joint Regulatiam [12 a! 1940
To provlde Inemres to improve the genernl henlfll ni une native
population and (a prevent the recul-rance oi epirlelnic diseuse;
Joint Regulation No. 12 nf 1940 was publîshed in Candominium Gazette
No. 120. I: i: reprimed as amender! by:
J.R. No. 6 of1951 Condominium Gazette N0. 176
J.R. No, 12 of 1953 Condominium Gazette No. 181
Issued by the Resident Commissionm under (11e provisions oi‘
Article 8, sub-Article 3, of the Angle-chh Protocol 1914.
l. In any case where a District Agent considers it desirable
in the interests cf health, he muy issue an order directing the in-
habitants of any native village or native dwelling to cesse residing
therein and tu take up residence ut a site which shaJl be specified in
the urder and within such reasonable lime as shall be specified
[1A. No village occupied by natives shall in whole or in part
be removed and no village intended to be occnpied by natives 5113.11
be mated witbout the prier authority of the two Distn'ct Agents.
lB. Any native or non—native who participates in, incites,
nids or abats a. breuh cf Article 1A of this Regulation shall on
conviction be punishable ns hereinnfler providedj
2. (a) In any case where a District Agent considers it desirable
in tbe inœrests of healtb he may order the destruction oî nny native
dwelling or building cr issue an order reqniring the owncr or owners
cf any native dwelling or building to rebuild or repaîr the same in
accordnnce with instructions which shall be œntained in the order
and within such ressemble lime u is speoified themin. ’
(b) In the event oi' faillite t0 comply with directions given
pursuant to the preoeding sub-Article, in addition ta any other
penalty which may be ordered by the Native Court to be destroyed.
3. (a) A District Agent may by order direct that any village,
together with auch area surrounding the saine as 11e shal] prescribe
in such arder, shall be kept free from bush, rubbish, tins, coconut
husks and shells, refuse, banana trees and other shade giviug plants,
and pools cf stamnt water. .
(b) In the event oi‘ fajlure t0 comply witb directions given
pursuant t0 the preœding sub—Article, in addition to any otber
penalty which may be ordered, any banane trees and shade giving
plants found within the specified village or area may be ordered w
be destroyed.
No. 12 cf
Puwe'r 01'
Agent tu
and nation
of villw
tu 11e
1R. 6 cf