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Joint Rzgulmians [l of 1941
[Publùhezh Condominium Gazelle No. 124.]
Issund by lhe Residenl Commissions in accordance with the
provisions of Article 7 cf Lhe Anglo—French Promcol cf 1914.
l. Whenever it shlll appenr desirable to lhe Resident Commis-
sioners flint any black of lnnd or any porüan thereof should be
fenccd the stident Commissiomrn actingjoindy mny serve or cause
to he served by any person aulhorised by them notice on thc owner or
occupier of any such land to crac: fenoes in ancordanc: with Ch:
œrms and specifimtions prcscribed in the said notice.
7. Whezwver it shnll appear desirable w them the stident
Commissioners acting jointly may serve or cause m be served by any
persan nulhorised by them notice on the owner or or occnpier cf any
land requin-i113 him ta maintain his fmœs and gates in a gond and
suflicient statu of repair.
3. Any persan who fails w cumply with du teer 01' or
prevents or obstructs t1]: :xecution cf rhe terni: cf any novice issued
and duly served under this Regulation shall b: guilty cf an ofieuœ
Imdzr Lhis Rzgulnfiun.
4. In the event cf failure w comply with any of the tenus of
nny notice issued and duly served under this Rngulation the Reridmt
Commissioncrs may mke or musc m b: mken nuch mp5 as mny be
nquired m ensure thc execution cf any work requind by suc]: notice.
thz th or which nhall be recoverable from Lb: persan concerned.
Any penon who prevcnts or obstructs me execution of any work
as aforesaid shall be guiliy of an ofienoe against this Regulnfion.
5. Ofi'ennea mains! this chulntion shall b: punishable by a
fine not exceeding 520 and imprismunenl nm exoeeding une month
or on: or othcr of such penalties.
fi This chlllafion shall mm: into fume on 1h: day of :11:
data bercer and may be ciœd for all pin-poses as “The New Hebrides
Fencing Regulation No. 1 of 1941.”
Dated al Vil; this thirtemth dny of I941.
His Britannic Majesty‘s Acüng
Residcnt Commissioner.