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Joint Regulatians [Z of 1941
[Publishzd: Condominimn Ginette No. 124.]
Issned by the Resident Commissicners in accordance with the
provisions cf Article 7 cf the Angle-chh Protocol cf 1914.
l. Whenever it shall appear desirable tc the Rcsident Cmnmis-
sioners tbal Lhe bonndary of nny black cf land cr cf any portion
thereof should be more clearly defined or ascertained, the Resident
Commissicners acting jointly, mny serve or cause to be served by
Imy person authorised by [hem notice on the owner or ocwpier cf
a.ny such land requiring him within the pcriod specified in snch
notice, m clear, define, or otherwise ascenain th: boundary cf Llle
said land m the satisfaction of an ofiicial surveyor (cr other qualified
persan) spccified in me said notice.
2. Any persan whc fails to comply wiLh the vernis or my
notice or whc prwents or cbstrllcts the execution cf any cf the terms
of the said notice, issued under Lhe provisions cf diis Regulau'on
shall be gnilty cf an ofi'enœ ngninst this Reglllation.
3. In the event cf failnre tu comply wiLh lhe œrms of any notice
served under fln's Reguiation the Resident Commissianers may lakc
or order lo be taken such sœps as may be requjred tu ensure the
execution cf any work required by such notice, the cost cf which shall
be recoverable fmm the persan concemcd, Any persan who prevenux
cr obstrncîs Lhe cxecution of any work as aforeszu'd shcll be guilty of
an clïence against this Regulation.
4. Ofi‘ences agninst this Regulation shall be pnnishable by a
fine net exceeding {.20 and imprisonment nct exceeding one manth
or by (me cr oLher of sueh penalties.
5. This Regulation shall carne into force on the day cf the
date hereof and may be cited for all pur-poses as “The New Hebrides
Definilion cf Land Boundariec Regulation No. 2 cf 1941”.
Damed at Vila this Thirtcenth dny of January 1941.
His Britannic Majesty’s
Resident Commissioner.