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Joint Regulatimu [3 o! 1941
Tn provide penalflm for «espion l’y uttle
[Publirhed: Condominiwn Gazette Na. 124.]
Irsued by lhe Resident Commissioners in aecordance with lhe
provisions cf article 7 of the AngloƑrench Protoool of 1914.
1. Any persan who is the owner or who is in charge or nny
cnttle who shall cause or permit any such carde to stray or trespus
on any public highway or on any land the property Df any other
persan, shall be guilty cf an ofl'enœ agninst Lhis Regnlation, and shall
on conviction be fiable lo a fine net exeeeding €20 or imprisoumem
for me month or to bath sueh fine and imprisonment.
2. Proseeutions for infractions of lhe provisions of this
Regulation shnll be mnde by a Commandant of Police or a District
Agent on the complaint of me owner, lessee or persan in charge of
lhe property on which the can‘le have strayed or trespassed.
3. For the purposes of this Regulation, “came” shnll be hold
to mean any animal of equine, bovine, asinine, porcine, ovine,
caprine or cervine breed and any cross thereof.
4. This Regulation shall oome into force on the day cf Lhe
date herecf and may be cited for al] purposes au “The Ncw Hebridcs
Canle Trespasn Reglllnu'on No. 3 of 1941".
Dated at Vüa this Sixteenth day of hulmry 1941.
The Ruident Commissioner His Britannic Majesty’s Acting
for France. Resident Commissioner.