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Joint Regulatînn: [11 of 1941
To lui-avide far flle onmmdmy mediul trth nf natives.
[Publishet Condominium Gazette N0. 126.]
Issued by lhe Rcsident Commissioners under the provisions of
SIIb-Article 3 cf Article 8 cf the Anglo-French Protoccl cf 1914.
1. Any District Ami may, on the advice cf a Condominium
Medical Oflicer, require any native or body of natives to undergo a
slated medical tremth under 111: control oî a Condominium
Mediœl Ofiicer or Native Medical Practitioner and any native
discbeying any of the provisions of such an Ortie: shall be deemed
to have commitœd an ofi‘enoe nains! this Regulatian.
2. This Regnlntion 31ml] have affect in any aies where a
Native Court has jurisdiction.
3. Breaches 0€ this Regulation shal] be punishable by a fine
not exceeding 85 and impriscnmmt net excuding une month or by
one or other cf these penalties.
4. This Regulation may be ciœd as the Naw Hebxides Native
(Medicnl Protection) Regulation No. ll ot' 1941 and shali nome into
force on the day ofthe date hereof.