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Joint Rzgulatinns [12 of 1941.
To provide for une Dechrnflon cf Closed Districts.
[Published: Condominium Gazette No. 127.]
Issued by the Rcsidenl Commissioners under thc provisions cf
Article 7 of the Ange-Prend: Protocol cf 1914.
l. In Lhis chulation and in any Orders made thereunder
“licence” means a licence granted under the provisions of this
Regnlntion nnd “licensee” menus s person holding a licence which
has not expilcd and hns not been revokcd.
2. The Resident Commissioan may by OIder jointly declare
any islands, island or pan cf an island to be a closcd district.
3. No person shall enter or remnin in a closcd except—
(a) Natives of the closed district;
(b) 0th" natives or classes of natives who may be exempled
'by otder oi' the Rcsident Ccmmissioners;
Govcmmcnt oificers and pensons acting under the orden
cf the Resident Commissioners in thc course of their duty;
4. (l) For such period as tliey may jointly determine due
Resident Commissicncrs may grant or Icnaw a licence to enfer a
cloud district and mny if they think fit prescribe conditions (which
shall be endorsed upcn the licence) upcn which suc]: licence is
grnnted or renewed and may also as a condition preœdenl t0 thc
grant or renewal of a licence require the proposed licensee tc
fumish security either in cash or by bond for lhc observance of the
conditions, which mount :hall also be endorsed on the licence.
(2) Subject to the provisions cf Articles 6, 7 and 8 hcreof, the
security fumishcd by any licensee shall be retllrned to hiln on the
expiry, non-renewnl or revocntion of any licence issued “ode: this
5. (l) Thc Resident Commissioners nmy at any time revoke
a licence.
(2) Nolice ofrevocntion shall be given in writing tc thc lisee
and shall be served personally or by registcred post.
(3) Such revocation shall take efi‘cct from the date cf receipt
cf such notice by the licensee or from such Inter date as thc Rcsident
Commissioners may by snch notice prescribe.