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Jaînl Rzgulatians [12 01' 1941
6. Subject t0 the provisions cf Article 3 heteof any persan
mœring or being in a closed district withont a licence or remaining
in n closed district mer the expiry or revocation cf lu'x licence 511211
be guilty of an oñ'ence and in addition tu any other penalty shall be
liable to repay w [ho Resident Commissioners any expenses entailed
upon the Condominium Govemment by any action taken in connex-
ion with such cfi'encc.
7. If a licensee commits a breach cf th: conditions endorscd
llpon bis licence or ducs any oct calculntcd to disturb the ponce cf a
closed district or to cause the natives of 11m district w be disafi'ected
towards the chcmment 11e 511311 be guilty 01' an ofi'enœ and in
addition to nny otlwr penalty 511311 be fiable to forfait any secnrity
fumished by him.
8. 'l'he Resident Commissioners may reœver from the lioensee
any expenditure incuncd by the Condominium chernment in
rendering him assistance and shall be entitled to recover the amouth
cf such expendjture out of nny socurity fumished by him.
9. In addition to the forfeiture cf security as providod by
Article 7 hereof, a persan guilty of an cfienoe under tlu's Regulation
or any Orders mode thereunder shall bu liable on conviction to pay a
fine not excccding twenty pounds and imprisonment not excooding
one month or one or other cf these penalties.
10. This Regulaticn may be cited os th: Closod Districts
Joint Regulaüon No. 12 cf 1941 and 511311 come into force on the
dny cf une date hereof.
Dated at Vila this Elcvcnth day cf July, 1941.
The Rosidznt Commissioner His Britannic Mnjcsty’s
for France. Resident Commissxoner.