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Joint Regulations [17 o! 1941
(b) the owner of any of those securities and anyperson respons-
ible for keeping any registcr or book in which any of those
securities is registered or inscn'bed, or nny person who is
othm'wisc oonoerned with the registration or inscription of
any of those secnn'ties, shall do all such lhîngs as arc
neoessary, or as the Resident Commissioners mny direct 10
be doua, for the plnpose of secnring that the security and
any document cf title relating thereto will be delivered to
the Rcsident Commissioners or tu snch persan, govcm—
ment or bank as lhe Resident Oommissioners may direct,
and, in the case ol‘ any registered or inscribed security,
that the securlty will be regisœred or inscribed in the name
of the Residcnt Commissioners or ol' such person, gravem-
ment or bank as the Residenl Commissioners may direct.
(4) The duty t0 deliver any security under pmgraph (3) of Lhis
Article shall include a duty to do such Lhings as are neoessnry t0
scoute du! any dividends or inœrcst on that security beooming
payable on or afier the dame of the nmkins ol' the Order will be paid
to lhe Condominium Treasurer or such other person, govemmenr,
or bank as the Resident Commissioners mny direct in Lb: Ordrer,
and wherc, in Lhe case ol' any security payable w bearer which is
delivered in pursuanoe cf the said paragraph, any coupons represent-
ing any snob diÿidends or interest are not delivered with the security,
snch reduction in thc priœ payable the'refor shall be made as Lhe
Resident Commissioners think fit;
Provided that, where the prioe stated in the 0rder in relation
to nny securities is ex any dividend or ex any inlerest, this paragraph
shall nm. apply to that dividend or imerest or t0 any coupon represent-
ing it.
(5) A œrtificate signcd by any pemon authorized in that
behalf by the Resident Commissioners, (ha! any specified seau-ides
are securities Ll'ansferred in the Resident Commissioners under Lhis
Article shall be treated by all persons responsiblc for keeping nny
registers or books in which the securities are registered or inscrlbed,
or who are otherwise ooncerned with Lhe registmtion or inscription
cf chose securlties, as oonclusive evidenoe fila! lhe securiües have
been so transferred.
(6) This Article shnll no! apply t0 any secnrity if the Resident
Commissioners are satisfied that a! all limes sinoe Lhc liftb dny of
Sepæmber ninetcen hundred and thirly—nine, all the persans inter-
ested in the security, other than persons inmmd mercin merely as
truslecs or me‘rely by virtua of any mongage, pledge or charge crenled
before the said day, but including any persans heneficially intelested
tbcrein under a trust, were not residsnl in the New Hebrides.
(7) W'here, by virtue of sub-paragraph (a) of pamgraph (3)
of Ibis Article, any security lus beconie vested in the Reeident
Commissioners, thon, at any Lin-le before du sæps required by sIIb-
paragnaph (b) of Lhat paragraph to be îaken in relation to that