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Joint Rzgulationr [17 ol' 1941
(b) sny body corporate which is incorporaœd under tha law of
that Suce or is under du contre! of that Stata or of the
Sovereign therecf or of any persan resident therein, in l0
far as the 0rder—
(1) requires lhe persan to whom '11: Order is given tu
make any payment or to pm with any gold or security,
requires sny change tc be made in the persan to
whose credit any slun is t0 stand or tu whose order
any gold or sœurity is to be held.
[13. (A) Notwithstsnding anything contained in this Regula-
tion or oontained in or omitœd from any Order made by the Resth
Commissioners under the provisions of this Ragulatisn the New
Hebrides shall for the purpose of the exercise of tira provisions cf
this Regulation bc tsken to be within the skerüng ana.
13. (B) Nothing in this Regulation whicls prohibits or restricts
a transaction between s persan in the New chrides and a person
residant outside the sterling area shall be deeined to prohibit or
restrict a transaction between persans in 111e New Hebrides]
14. Breachas of this Regulatiou shall include breaches of nuy
undertaking made or of suy Licence or Perm issned thereunder,
or any false declaration marie undcr the provisions theteof.
15. The provisions of Articles 28 to 41 of thle New Hebrides
Joint Defanœ Regulation No. 16 oi‘ 1940, shsll spply for tbe purpose
nf the enforcemeut cf this Reglllaticn, and otherwise in relation
thereto, as if sny referenoe t0 the said Articles t0 that Regulstion
inclnded a reference to this Regulation:
Provided chat in respect of an ofi'enoe assinst this Regulation
the Court shall, in addition to any fine or sentence which msy be
imposod, order tbat any property. article or thing in respect cf which
the ofi'enoe has been committnd, shall be forfeited to the Condomin—
ium; and such property, article or tbing may be disposed cf in snob
manner as the Resident Commissicners may direct; and provided
also that for the pur-pose of me trial of a persan for un ofi‘enoe
agninst this Regulation, the ofl‘enoe shall be deemed to have been
16. In this Regulation, unless the conœxt otherwise requires,
the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectiver
assigned to them, that is t0 say—
[“fareign eurrency” menus any mlrrency other than sterling or
Australian eurrency or francs being legal tender in the New
"gold" menus gold coin or gold bullion:
m 7/1946.
A licofiml
cf Ch: New
I940 lnd