[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulatiom [17 of 1941
“cwnzr”, in relation t0 any semirily, includeu any persan who 113d
powet to sell or transfer a security, or wlm bas me custody
themof, or who nocives, wlmhzr on lais own bclnlf or on
behnlf cf any other persan, dividmds or interest therwn. or
who hns any other inœrcst main;
"Icam'ty", :xcept in so far as is othcrwise expreufly pravided—
(a) inch sharcs, stocks, bonds, notes, debentures and deben-
ture stocks;
(h) does not include a bill of exchnnge, n promiswry note or a
deposit receipt;
r‘sœrling ana" menus th: Uniœd Kingdom and suc]: other terri-
rm-ics as may be dedaxed by Order of du Resident Commit»—
sinnm m be included in du sterling area]
17. This chulaüon shall come into force on the day of the
date hereof and my be cited for all pur-poses us due “New Hebrides
Joint Defence (Finance) Regulaüon No. l7 of 1941".
Dated at Vil: this First dny of Scpmben 1941.
The chidznt Commissioner Hi: Britannic Majesty’s
for France. Rcsidem Commissioner.