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Juin: Rzgulatians
6. (1) Prohibiled bank notes in th: posseàsion or oontrol
[18 ni 1941
of th: Mater, crew or through passengers cf my cveneas vassal
or civil aircraft arriving in the New Hebrides in transit, 51ml] not
be considered to be imported into the New Hebridcs while thcy
remain on board such vesse].
(2) On arrival at any port of entry in th: New Hebrides n
nmment 5112.11 be drawn up by Lb: Master or any such vessel or
civil aircraft showing the number and fnnc value of prohibiœd
bnnk nom in the possession ofeach oflioer, member of the crew, or
through passenger. This stnlement shall be handed m any of the
ufiiœrs mentioned in Article 4 (2) and (3) hmofmd 511A11 be checked
by any such ofiiœr on the depmure or such vessel or civil aircrafl
frmn the Group.
(3) The Musur of such vessel or the Capuin of Bush civil
aimft shall be hcld responsable—
(a) tbat no such bank notes are taken or allowed t0 be mken
Minore in the New Hebrides, and
(b) for any oflenee under the provisions of this Regulation
thai may lac committed thmugh a breach of this Article.
'l. (1) If any persan contravenes or failx tn comply with any
provision of this Reguletion he shnll be guilty cf an ofienœ and shall
be liable w imprimnment for a tenu not exeeeding two years or t0 a
fine not exceeding L250, or m bath such fine and nnprisonment.
(2) The Competent Court shal] have power to order th: disposal
of any prohibited bank notes which has been involved in any case cf
which it ha! boul seized under the provisions of this Regulation.
8. This Regulau'on shall con]: into force on th: day of the
date hereof and mny be eited as tbe “Control cf French New
Hebrides Currcncy (Defce) Joint Regulatian No. 18 cf 1941".
Daœd a! Vil: this First day of Seÿîember, 1941.
The Resident Commissioner
for France.
His Brimnnic Majesty's
Ruident Commissioner.
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