[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Juin! Regulutimu [23 o! 194]
to setfle technical disagïeements between th: concession-
naire and bis clients, and
advise dl: Residmt Commissionen gcncrally on lb: work-
ing of thix chulntion and the terms cf the concession.
(2) These functions my h: modified or amendcd by Joint
Order of tbe Rcsident Commissionels.
[4 —-I
5. (l) The flying ofkiœa within 200 metrcs of a.ny wire ofthe
exœrior nctwork of du Union Électrique at Vil: i5 prohibited.
6. Any infractions of this Regulafian shall be punishcd by a
fin: net cxœeding L.10.
'I. This chulnîjon shall came intn force on the day cf (h:
dm: hneof. and may b: cîled for all purposes as "111e Vila Town
Electrical Supply Joint Regulatian No. 23 cf 1941”.
Dated at Vil: tlu's Twenticth day ol' Octobcr, 1941.
The Resth Commissionzr His Bfiœnnic Majesty’n
for France Residznt Commissionzr.