Mad: under Article 8 paragraplu 3 and 5 of the Anglo—chh
P1010001 1914.
[1- —«]
2. A native court cmnpowd of two divisions is hncby con—
stituœd in each cf th: above mentioned districts' and shall have
jurisdicfion througlwut Lb: district ccnoemed.
3. Suppkmentary rules ofprooedure, made by the Joint Court.
5112111 dcœrminc ch: mode cf application cf Lhis Regulnliun and in
particular du procedun tu be followed.
4. This Regulation may b: ciwd a5 du Native Courts and
Native Code (Central District No. 2 and Northem District) Joint
chulation No. 9 cf 1943 and shnll nom into force on lat October,
Dated a! Vila this let day of Jnly, 1943.
Th: Resident Commissinnnr Hi: Britannic Mnjcsty's
for France. Residmt Commissionu.