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mm Rzgulations [a of 1945
(a) A Prison Regisœr in which shall be entered each primner’s
naine, the parücnlm-s of his imprismnnent or sentence, the
date of commencement and expiration thereof and the date
of bis diseharge.
(b) A Primner’s Property Bock in which shall be enœred ail
clothing and property, inclnding mone'y, taken from prison-
ers and how it is disposed cf.
(o) A Punishment Bcok for the enlry cf ail punishmenm
inflicted upon prisonexs.
In addition lhey shall forward montth w Lhe Resident Com—
missioner a list cf olïences commined by and punishments infliclnn
upon prisoners and warders, with deuils of the ofi'ences commitled.
10. The Superintendent or District Agem, na the une may be,
shall be mponnble for the discharge cf all pn‘soners in his charge
on the correct dates.
11. lt is lhe duty of al] Prison Oflioers t0 treat prisoners with
humanity and impartiality, t0 maintain order and discipline, and w
enfowe observance of the rules and regulations in regard thlereto.
12. No prisoner shall be punished by any Primn Ol’finer other
than a Superintendem or District agent, and no punishment shall be
inflictecl except for a prison ofi'enœ as defined by finis Regulation.
13. N0 Prison Ofiicer ahall atrike n prisons: exeepl in sel!-
defence or in case cf violence or atœmpted escape on Lhe pan ofthe
14. When neœssary for the preservation of aider any warder
lemporarily in charge of a joint native priwn may keep in handcnfl‘s
any refractory or inxubordinate prisoner until lie can be bronght
before the Superinœndent cr District Agent as tbe case may be.
15. Prison Oflioers ahall not employ prison/ars as domestic
servants or otherwise than in conformity with this Regulation or the
instructions cf their oŒciaJ superiors.
16. Subjth to anythins contained in this Regnlation euh
Reaident Commissioner may make rnles applicable tu me appoint-
ment, dismissnl, duties and discipline cf Prison Warders for thejoint
native prisons under his contrvL
17. Prisoners on admissinn shall be searched and ail prohibited
articles (as hereaflzr defined) shall be taken from them. Their names,
descriptions, and parüculars of theit sentence or imprisonment shall
be recorded in flic register bock.