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Joint Rzgulatinm' [6 01' 1945
This will not apply to pñsoncrs nndergoing solitsry confinement
unlcss at tbe direction of the Superintendcnt or District Agent
28. Any prisoner appearing to be sufiering from any serions
ailment sthl, wherever possible be examiner! with the least possible
delay by n Condominium Medical Ofi'icer or other doctor npproved
by the Resident Commissioner conoemed. The instructions of sush
doctor shsll be carried ont.
A stock of medicines and dzessings si:le be kept at cash joint
native prison for the tresunent oi' miner ailments and for first nid
Visas, Communous AND Pluvnmm
29. Snbject to their bains linble t0 punislunent for Lhe making
cf false or frivolous complainte, prisoners shnll have the right t0
make complaints to the Super-intendant, District Agents, or nny
person authorised to inspect the prison in which such pn'soners are
30. (1) No visit to or communication witb a prisoner, nor
communication by a prisoner with any persan may be made exœpt
wifll the permission of, and subject t0 suc]: directions as may be
given by the Supen'ntendent, District Agent or other ofl'icer in
charge of the prisoner ooncerned.
(2) Any persan who contravenes tbe provision cf the preceding
suie-section shall be guilty cf an ofl‘enoe and on conviction therefor
shall be liable to a. fine not exceeding ten pounds sterling or to its
equivslent in francs at the cnrrent rate of exclumæ.
3L Prisoners who have complewd not less than six months
of thcir term of imprisonnient and who have had during Lhis period
a consistent record of good conduct may, by order of tlw Super-
intendent or District Agent conccrned, be allowed to Work un-
attended. and be given during such work an alloance of tobzwco
as approved by the Superintendent or District Agent.
31A (D The Resident Commissionczs may joindy order
the relense of any prisoner on licence for the period cf the unexpired
portion of bis sentence subject t0 such conditions as mny be pre-
scribed in Lhe said order.
(in) thre the Resident Commissioners are satisfied thst any
prisoner relensed on licence under the provision of the immedistely
preoeding sub-sectimi of this Section should be recalled to prison
they may jointly order such recallv