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Joint Regulm‘ions [6 oi' 1945
37. (1) Every Snperintendent, District Agent or other ofiiœr
in charge of any prison shall furnish reports ta bis Resident Com-
missioner on the work and oonduct cf every prisoner in ln's charge so
thnt the Resident Commissioners mny consider whether any part ol'
the sentence being served by snob prisoner shnil be remitted.
(2) Such reports shnll be submitwd ns follows:
(a) in respect of every prisoner serving n term of more than
one year: on the fim of January cf euh year.
(b) in respect ot' every priscner serving a term of les; tban une
year and more than six months: on oompletion ot' hslfofthe
(3) Notwithsmding the provisions ofthe preceding sub—section
the Supcrintendent of any Prison may at any lime submit a report on
any prisoner serving a sentence of rnore than une mnnth and
recommend m the Resident Commissioners on the grounds or gond
work and condum the remission cf part ot' his sentence.
33. 111e following nom and omissions are declared to be prison
offenoes, namely:
(a) Breach of nny prison mie or any duty imposed by this
(b) Commun 8883"." un another prisoner;
(c) Profane, indeoent, insulling or threalening innguagn or
(d) Insnbordinnfion;
(e) ldlemss or negligenœ at work or leaving place of work
without authority;
(f) Wilful mimnagement of work;
(g) Obstructing any prison ofioer in the exemtion ofhis dnty;
(h) Disobedienœ to the commmds Uf my prison oflîcer;
(i) Disrespecfl’ul conduct to any prison or inspecting oifioer;
(j) Committing any nuisance;
(k) Haviug prohibited articles in his possession; prohibited
articles shall include alcoholic liquor, money, tobaoœ,
nnnuthorised clothing or ietters, and nny otbnt articles
which rnsy be prohi'bited by order or the Resident Cank
missioner or Superintendent;
(l) Marking, defam'ng or damaging any part of use prison or
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(in) Gnming, dancing, whistling, singing or making nny un-
neoessary nuise;