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Joht chulationa [6 (Il 1945
Making n fais: or frivulous complaint, insolence, rudcncss
or any other miscondnct subversive of the penne or gond
gommant of thc prison;
Escarpin; or ättempting w escape;
Commun assault on a prison or inspecting oflîoer;
Falsc or mslicious allegations ngainst a prison oficer;
Ofi'cnding against good order and discipline in any amer
34 Tbe Superintendent or District Agent shnll verify the
evidenoe and examine any prisoner charged with lb: commission of
a prison ofl'cnoe and if satisficd that snch prisonor is guilty, may,
without prejudice to the institution of judicisl proceedings, impose
nny or al] of thc fullowins punishmcnts:
(a) solitary confinement with reduced diet not cxceeding 14
days or for not more thsn 4 dnys in any une week. Provided
thst a sentence of solitary confinement shaJl be subject to
thc approval of a Condominium Medical Ofiiccr as t0 flic
health ot' the ofiender where snob a sentence exœeds four
extra labour not exceeding une hou: per day for a. period
not exoeeding 14 working dnys;
cnncellntion for n pmiod not exceeding l4 days oî any
privileges w which the prisoner may be entitled by vinne of
Sections 30 and 31 of this Reglllntion.
35. Wherc the Superintendenl or District Agent is safisfied
thnt a prisoner is likely Lo ntternpt to escape or to commit soma
serions act or violence ha may order that snob prisoner be rentrained
by menus of lcg irons and handcnfi's, which shnll be of such weight
and pattern as thc Resident Commissioner ooan may approve.
Any order mode undcr this Article, with reasons therefvr shall be
included in thc mont.th retarn of punishmcnts infiiclcd upon
36. This Rogulntion mny be cith as the New Hebddcs Joint
Nafive Prisons Administration Joint Regulntion No. 6 of I945,
Daled at Vila tln's twelfth day cf Sepœmber, 1945.
Rosidcnt Commissioner
for France.
His Britannic Mnjesty’s
Resident Commissioner.