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Joint Regulafion: [4 ni 1 947
To provide l‘or 111e grant oi‘ Retiring Gnlnifies m OŒoers ni me
Condominium Service and tlæir Depaduls.
[Joint Regulation No. 4 of 1947 was publirhed in Condominium
Gazette Na. 161 and i: reprinted as amended by Joint Regulations:
2 of 1969 (Condominium Gazette Na. 274) and 38 of 1973 (Condom—
inium Gazette N0. 329).]
Issued by His Britannio Majesty’s Resident Commissioner and
the Resident Commissioner for the French Repubh'p,
[1. (l) Subject tu the condition cf Article 4 hereof any ofiicial:
(a) who bas reached the age of SO years, or over and who ha!
oompleted 5 years‘ efi‘ective service; or
(b) who bas not rem:de the age of 50 years but who bas com-
pleted 15 yean’ effective service; whichever is the carlier
may on leaving the Condominium Service for any other reasons than
dismissa] for inefiiciency or misoonduct cluim from lhe Joint
Administration a ming gramity equal t0 15 days’ salary, for every
oomplemd period of six montbs’ efi'ecrive service in the Condominium
[(2) This gratuity shall be calmlated on the substantive salary
drawn by the ofiioer conœrned at the time or bis retirement from the
Condominium Service]
(3) Apart from resident service in the New Hebrides the
following shall count as effective service for Lhe [imposa ofgrntuity:
(a) periods or duty on bahan of the Condominium served
oufxide thc New Hein-ides;
(b) al] periods of leave, including normal journey time. granted
by the Resident Commissioners in madame with current
leave regulations but exclude leave without puy and leave
on specinl privnte afi'nirs.
2. Notwithstanding anything in these rules and, subject to the
other conditions of Article 1 and t1]: conditions cf Article 4 heteof,
a retiring gratuity may be granted to any ofiicial irœspective of age
who may not have completed five years’ efi‘octive continuons service:
(1) If snob ofiiœr is obliged w leave the service for reasons of
illness or injury, coninoted duriug, or as a result of, bis
service in (ho Condominium Administration, and through
no fault of his own, such having boen establisth by a
Medical Board, or