[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulan'on: [4 «f 1948
8. (I) The cperations (such as loading, unlomding, refnelling,
embarking pnsmngers) in the New Hebrifles of any nircrafl or vessel
arriving from a danger area within 21 days of departure therefrnm
shall be governed by the follow-ing provisions.
(II) Local native labour, utilized for loading and unloading
etc, mu not be utjlized without the written permission of a Port
Henlth Ofl‘iœr or Condominium Medical Ofiicer acting as such and
shall be kept as far as possible out cf contact with the ofiîeen,
passengers and crew of sueh vassal or nircrnft. The permission of the
said Port Health Olficer or Condominium Mediœl Ofiiœr may
specify other instmctions tu this efi'ect.
(Il'l) Local native labour shaJl not be embarked and carried on
any sue]: vessel or aireraft far inter-island operations without the
written permission of a Port Health Ofiioer or Condominium
Medical Ofiîœr mutins in such capacity. Snch permission shall 5mm
the conditions under which labour van be carried and in any me
al] such labour must be presented to a Condominium Medical
Ofliœr or Port Heath Ofliœr for inspection before final disembnrkn—
(IV) The Port Hulth Oflioer or any Condominium Medicnl
Ofiîoer conceer mny regulate tire manner in which passengers or
others including inter-island, may be ambarked and disembarked,
may forbid Lhe embarkation cf inter—islam] passengers and mny
fmbid the bomding of any ship or nircraft by VisilDIs or 1m-
nuthorised persans. Copies of such instructions in writing shall be
given to the Captain cf the vesscl or air-cran concerned.
9. In cases where extreme danger of introduction of the diseuse
is apprehended the Resident Commissioners mny by Joint Order
issue specinl instructions regarding quarantine measures and
surveillance cf any vessels or aircraft and the passengem, amours, and
CI‘C'WS thereof mming from a. danger area.
VIE—mm, ETC.
1l). Any persan committing a breach ofa permit or instruction
given under Lhix Regtdnfion mny be npprehended by force and
retumed t0 any vessel or aircraft on which lie i5 travelling or
detajned at any place which tbe Resident Commissioners may
designaxe, until his quarantine period is over.
11. The Captnin of vessels and aircrafi shall be responsible for
the observance of this Regulation by ofiîoers, crew and passengnn
under their contra], but this shnll not nbsolve any perron oi'individual
responsibility under this Regulaüon.