[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulatioru [12 of 1948
For flle provision! contra! of aircrnft enfering and lenving the Naw
Hebrirlu or operfling in file Ne'n Heln'ides n'nd 01' persan and
gonds carrind by air.
Joint Regulan‘on Na. 12 of 1948 was publirhed in Condominium
Gazette No. 165 and in reprinted on amende by the following Joint
l. Exœpt whm oLhcrwise stand in this Regnlation—
“six-cran" includes aeaplanes, flying bons and land baud planes cf
a privaœ or commercial chuacter and imludes, in respect othz
carnage ol' civflian pnsungrs and freight and cf qunnmfinn
mures. any other aimralt being a component cf the anned
fumes of any slate;
"Oversens ajrvrañ" meus any aimait registered and controlled
by an administration amide the New Hebrides;
[“locnl ajrcrafl" mcam nny nircrnft which—
(n) is registered
(i) in France, or
(il) in Lhc Uniœd Kingdom or on: of the British Terrimries
to which thc Civil Aviation (Application or Azt)
Orders in Coundl npply: and
(b) is
(1) owned by a rcsident oflhe New Hehrides or a corporal:
body regisæred in (h: Ncw Hebrides; and
(ii) baud in the New Hebriden; and
(iii) used exclusiver on internal flighîs wilhin the New