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Joint Regularion: [12 of 1948
definition of aimaftmay apply to them, bcsubject, man‘er mutmtdis,
w ail applicable genou] or specinl local Regulntions riesling with
(i) the entry and departure of persons, (in) introduction of and export
cf gonds, quarantine and health mures, (iv) immigrants,
(v) passports, visas and travel documents, and (vi) tu any other
joint Iegislation which may be applied by [Joint Rules] of the
Resident Commissioners.
(2) In this connexion, as may be required, (a) sircraft shall be
considered t0 be vcssels and du: oñcers, crew and passcngcrs of
aimai! shsll be considoœd to be the ofiicers, crews and passengm
cf vessels and (b) “landing” or “disernbarking” slmll be considered
w be the apt cf efi‘ncn'vely enta-in; the New Hebrides for purposes
of residenoe or transiL
3. Any Oversess airerafl entering, lenving or opernfing in the
New Hebrides shall comply with applicable provisions of Inter-
national Acronaun'nal Convmtîons and with flan tenus of thc liccnœ
issned toit by the terms of the licence issued tu it by the Administra-
tion oonœmed.
4. (i) Overseas airorafl shall not enter or operate in the New
Hebrides excepl with the permission of the stidmt Commissioners
acting jointly and under the conditions specified by thons.
(ii) The Rosident Commissioners may by [Joint Rules] undet
this Regulntion regulaœ generally or specinlly the operations of
oversens aircralt in the New Hebrides.
5. The Captsin of every privaœ or commercial aircraft
enflen'ng the New Hebrides shallrproduœ on demand to the inspecting
oflicer, mtoms ofiicer or health oflîcer, as the case may be—
(a) the certificat: of registration for the sircraf‘t;
(b) the certificaœ of ürworthiness covaring the journey on
whioh the sircraft is engaged;
(c) the 10g bock; '
(d) a lis! of du names and nationaljty of the passengers;
the manifesta or other dominants in respect of all freight
for the New Hebrides carriod (imports or cxports);
the henlth forms and declsrolions prescribed by the Joint
6. (i) Th: Commandants cf Police, their Assistants, and the
District Agants at Vil—l and thc District Agents elsewhere, shnll be
Inspecting Oflicers for aimait undcr this Rngulation. They shall
have power t0 enter and inspect sny privaœ or commercial averses:
sircraft and anyone cbstructing tlnm shall be guilty ol‘ an Oñ'encc.
(i5) Health Oflîoers and Customs Oficers may exercisc similnr
powcrs. as the occasion demanda.