[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulmions [17 of 1948
where Lhe Condominium Postmaster considers that the
registmtion cf sunh Dame i: no: Iikely t0 give rise to
confusion. For purpoaes of paymem, any code indicator,
whether a proper naine or otherwise, shall be connted at
the rate of une word for avery fifleen latter: or part thereof.
In no case shall a proper nm be registered for a persan,
finn, or company cf a difl'aent name;
(c) un words forming the code indicator shall no: connist cf a
number or of the name cf a profession, triade, country,
state, town, œlegtaph station or district;
tlw Condominium Postmnsler shnll rq'ect any code address
which, either in writing or in telegmph symbols, sa closer
mamble any other registered word as to be liable m be
mistalmn for it. Parions applying for th: registration of a
code addrcss shall submil several words, from which a
aelection may be made;
(e) The Condominium Postmaxter may cancel nny registered
code address. In such case, a pan of the regiattation fee
proportionate to the unexpired period for which paymnnt
1ms been made shall be returned, or a new address substi-
tuted for th: on: cancelled; and
(f) in the evem or a change in the fille of a firm for which a
reg'særed œde address i3 recorded, Lhe consent, in writing,
of all du parmers or directors or the firm shall be produced
before Lbe records arc nltered.
4. A regislered telegraphic code mddrnss may be transferred
for the unexpired period cf un: registration term from one œlegraphic
sintion tu anoLber in respect cf the persan concerned, upon payment
tu thc Condominium Postmaster of a fee cf [fifty New Hebridean
francs (50 FNH) or the equivalent thereof in Ausualian dollars at
the ofiicial rate of archange]. A regislered telegmphic code mdresa
may be transferred from one persan to another for Lha nnexpired
period of Lb: regixtmtion upon paymcnt to 1h: Condominium
Postmaster oi‘ a fee of two Shillings, provided the application for
transl'cr in signnd by both parties concerned.
5. For the pin-poses of this Regulation—
“Condominium œlcgramx" menus a telegram transmitœd t0 or
reoeived from a œlegmph station wiLbin ch: Condominium of
the New Hebrides;
"Inlemarional ælegrnm” menus a œlegram tmnxmitted to or
received from a telegraph station oulside dia Condominium nf
the New Helm'des.
6. Tlu's Regulation may be cited as the New Balai-ides Tele-
graphic Addreases Registratiun Joint Regulnfion No. 17 of 1948,
and shall corne into force on the 1st January, 1949.
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