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Joint Rzgulaliom [9 ni 1951
Toprmldeiœthbœmroloanflu Co-openfiveSodeflunmi
Cmpnies. r
[Condominium Gazette Nn. 176]
Marie by the Resident Commissionm under thc provisions of
paragraph 3 of Arficlc 8 cflh: Anglo-French Protocol of 6th Aucun,
l. Evary Co-operative Society or Company formed by New
Hebrides natives for land development or trade in local produce and
importer! goods shall, before ira constimtion, submit ils Rulas for the
approval or du Resident Commissioners.
2. Th: Rulzs shall indûme—
(1) the arum objects of the Co-operative Socipty or Company;
(2) itx land office;
(3) in nrganimtion, particularly as regards ira principal ofioers
and its governing body; and
(4) '11: nature, origin and employment of its capital.
3. Any âmendnmnt of du Rules 5h31] be suhmimd for {lie
prier approval of the Resident Commissioners.
4. Thc mounm nf a Native Comparative Sodety or Company
shall be kept as far as possible in accordanoe with communal
praztioe. '
5. The Briüsh and French District Agenœ shall jointly be
responsible for Lhe annual examinntion of flm accountx of Native
Co-opernfive Socictics or Campanies in theîr District For this
purpose, in euh year, before a data to be specifibd by lhe District
Agents, the Secretary of each Co-operative Society shzll and to them
an annual report and abstract of accounm.
6. In every year the Distrïn Agents shall carry ou! a tout with
the object of inspecting du premises and operafions of cach Native
Co-opcrau've Society or Cmnpany in the District
Tbvy may ut the me timo flamand mat books registers repens
and aocounting documents of all kinds be produced for examination.
7. In January of each year du District Agents shaJl send m me
Resident Commissionm a report showing du situation, moral and
finanoial, ol' Lb: said Co—operalive Socieües or Companies.