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Joint Rzgulatinn: [9 01' 1951
8. The dissolution of any native Co—operative Socier or
Company 311311 be declared by the Resident Commissionm‘s al a
request by du majority of irs members, or if the Rulee of Lhe said
Co-opemfive Sociely or Company have not been s’llbmitted to lhe
Resident Commissioners or if its activities become of a nature
prejudicial to the public penœ.
9. Liquidaüon shall be carried ont under the supervision cf the
District Agents concerned, who 3111111 submit a dctailed report to Lhe
Resident Commissioners.
l0. T112 Courts 5115.11 heal' such disputes as my arise within du
limits of Lheir jurisdiction as defined by the Protocol cf 61h August,
11. Afier meeting liabilities mntracted by the Co-operative
Society, or Cmnpany, any remaining assets 31ml] be employed t0
repay ta members 0.11: amonm of their respective contributions if
theae have been mnde or t0 compensate them l‘or services.
12. This regulation 511311 apply t0 Native Comparative Societies
or Companies alicady in existence which 511211 have a delay of two
months [mm Lhe dnle of publication of Lhix regulmion m forward
chair Rules for the approval cf the Residmt Commissioners.
1.3. This l'egulalion may be ciœd for all purposes as [ho New
Hebtides Native Co—Upemtive Societies or Companies Regnlation
No. 9 of 1951, and 5112.11 corne inîo force onthe day 01' Lhe date hereof.
Dawd at Vila (hi: twenty—seventh day of August, 1951.
The Resth Commission Hi: Britannic Majesty’s
for the French Repuhlic. Resident Commissioner.