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Juin! Regulation: [18 of 1954 543
missioners on Lb: issue ofthe loan and shnll remit that sum 1-11. 1 DT
t0 lhe Crown Agents with the rexnittanoe hercinbefore 19R
mentioned provided that the said contribution shall in
respect or the money raised under fln's Joint Reguiation
commence not laœr 11mn three years me: the date from
whjch interest on snob muney shall commence t0 nm.
(c) The aforesajd annual contribution shall not be less thnn
suc]: amoum as nuy be deœnnined with the approval of
dm High Commissioners m be suflicient to redeem the loan
at ils due date.
(d) The Crown Agenix shall apply so much of the moncy so
remitœd tu them as aforcsaid as shall no! be required for
the payment of inœrest for îhc current half yea: in the
purchase of such securities as lhey may at lheir discretion
select as a sinking fimd for the final extinction cf the debt,
and Lhe Crown Agents shall also invest the dividends
interest or produce of such investments in the pumhase of
like secnriu'es and may from lime w üme change any sud:
învestment and shall hold such funds in trust for Lbe repay—
nwm of the principal monies for dm time being represented
by the loan.
(e) In anse the sinking fund provided for by this Joint Regula-
Lion 5113.11 he insuflîcient for the payment of a.l1 the principal
munies bonawed under thc authority of this J oint Rngula-
tion a: the time une saine shall have beoome due tbe Resident
Commissionm &hall make good the deficicncies ont cf the
genernl reva or assets of the Condominium.]
Dated at Vila, th'u 30th day of Deoember, 1954.
The Residcnt Commislianer Ber Britannic Majesty's
for the French Republic. Residont Commissioner.