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Joint Rzgulatim [1 ni 1955
9. If a consumer vacates any premim withcut giving prier
notice in writing to the Superinœndent cf Works [or me Dism'ct
Enginms a! Santo and Tannn respecfively], the Superintendent
may cause Lb: diaconnection uf lhe water supply ta such premises,
and Lhe consumer shall be held liable for Lb: paymem of any charges
registemd on L11: mener when the mater reading is Laken and for du:
oost and expense cf any disoonnccu'on uf supply.
10. Th: Superinœndent of Works [or the Dixh-ict Engineers at
Santo and Tanna respectively] shall be entitled ta :xamine any
installafion profidnd by du consunwr and connecter] t0 the wate:
supply, and for that purpose shall have me right to enter any prcmises
to which a waœr supply pipe and mm: have been laid.
[10A Thn Resident Commissioners may joinfly exempt any
person or corporation îrom any of the provision: Df flüx Regulaüon
or of nny Rules mad: thmunder.
103. Th: Resident Commissioan may jointly mm Rules
for carrying this Regulation inw efi‘ect]
11. This regulation may be cited as the “New Hebridcs Water
Supply Jaint Regulntion, 1955" and 3h31] coma into efi'ect on the
date of signature.
Dnœd a! Vila, this Thin‘l day of January, 1955.
Her Britannic Majeety‘s
Resident Commissions:
'l'h: Resident Commissioner
for 1h: French Republic.
1. Mùümumqlurœtlydmrgp—
(a) In Vil: and Sma: 550 FNH or fla: equivnlmt MI in Aunnlhn
{mm du: watet mains, up la a maximum œnulmption cf 7.5% gallons;
(b) In Tamu: 85 FNH or 1h: eqllivnlenl lhmfin Auxtnüan dollar! at
(lie oflicinl nm ofexdaanæ in Impact ofeadl connecfiün w du: wller
Inninl, up to a maximum consumpdon vf 7,500 glllons.
(section 2)
Z. Addition! wnsumpfion—
(n) In Vil: and Salin): 5.555 FNH or thc equivulmt thcnal'in Aumliln
mm in amen cf du abuvunenfiomd consumpücn.
(b) In Tanne: 3 FNH or fil: :qllivlknt (hemf in Aunnlx'nn dnllars al lhe
ofidalmœofmmfarmrymannm orpmthetwfinm
a! lb: show-mende consum'ptinn:
NÆW Hebridcan (un: or an Ammfian cent shlll b: raduoed (o lhe
nm 117W 3mn of wlwla film cr omis.