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Juin! Regulationr ['I ni 1955
a gnteway of n minimum width of 4 mettes 20 unis. shnll be
plaoed alongside the cattle grid tu permit tbe passage of
heavy machines such us bulldom, rollers, cm;
the cattle grid and gate shall bc constantly mnintm'ned in
perfect condition by th: owncr of the adjoining land, who
will be deenied to hnve guaranteed the Joint Administration
ngninst any claim for damages reslllting from nny defect in
the construction or maintenu/ne ol' the cattle grid, yteway
or apprend] to tlme latter;
any modification to a cattle grid or the adjoining miteway.
or their complete removal, if deemed neccssary by the
Superintendent of Public Works, shall be carrier] out by
the owner of the adjoining land within the lime fixed bythe
Superintendent cf Public Works, and if the owner failn t0
carry ou! the work within (lie time allowed, it may be under—
tnken by the Joint Administration and the cost thereof
increased by a penalty of 50% shall bc reimbursed hy the
The Joint Administration shall not bc responsible for nny
damage caused w cattle grids or the ndjoining gaœways by
trame nsing them, or throngh any other cause.
For islands othcr thon those of Efaœ and Snnto, departures
from the provisions of this section may be approved by t'ne Super-
intendent of Public Works.
5. Any ofl'enœ against this Joint Reglllation shall be punis!)-
able by afine ol' 520 Sterling, or thc equivalent infrancs nt the current
rate ofthe day, and far impriaonrnent not exceeding one manth or by
(me or the other nî these punishmentsJ
T’he District Amis, the Commandants cf Police and any
oflicer nl' the Joint Services who may be m authorixed in writing by
the Resident Commissioners alinll have powerto institute proceeding
in respect oî ofienees aguinst this Joint RegulntionJ
Dated nt Viln this Twentyaeoond day of Jnly, 1955.
For (lie Resident Ccmmissioner Her Britannic Majesty’s