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Joint Regulatinns [2 of 1956
To provide for tire control ni transport o! alenhnlic liqnnr wiflrin tire
[Publishem Condominion Gazette Na. 190.]
Mm}: by the Resident Commissionem under the provisions of
article 7 of thc Anglo-French Protocol of 1914.
l. No alooholic liquor, as defined in Article 59.3 of the
Protoco], shnll be œrricd within the Group on any inter-islnnd or
coastal—vnyaging veasel, or within an island by any means, uniess a
permit t0 do so bas previously boen obtained frein the Joint Adminis-
2. Any District Agent may issue a permit'to carry aloolwlic
3. The permit to alcoholic liqnor shall be n'imde ont at thn
request ofthe persan despatching the liquor on e form extracted from
a register with connterfoils and shall show—
The type and quantity of liqnor to be carried: the naines of the
person despatnhing il“, the person transporting it, th:
consigne: and its destination. .
The means cf transport including the nnme of the ship if the
transport is by ses, and the registered number of the vehicie
if the transport is by Land.
’I’he date of the voyage.
The period‘of validity of the permit.
4. The permit shall be'hnnded by the person despatching the
quuor to the persan transporting it and by the latter to me con-
signee, at the saine time 38'th cargo to which it rcfm.
5. Any District Agent, any police oflîeer, any customs ofiœr
and nny ofiioer so- authorised by Joint Decision are authorised
oflieers, empowered to investigate breaches of the provisions of this
Regulation, whnteve'r thennlionnlity cf the suspected ofi‘ender.
6. Before loading, the persan despntching; during transport,
the carrier; and after unloading, the consisnee; alu." eomply with
any request by an anthorised oifioer and shall assist him in any
investigation of suspected breaches of the regulation.
7. Any breaeh of this Regulation shall be snbject to an
investigation1 the record of which shnll he sent to the President of the
Court of First Instance having jurisdiction in the District. Any
quuor carried without a permit shall be seiznd.
No. 2 ul'
Issue nf
Demila cf
l’ami! to
quuor to
which it