MADE by the Rcsident Commissionm under the provisions of
Article 7 of the Angle-Frette): Protoool oi' 1914.
l. This Regulation maybe cited as the Liquor (Declaration and
Record of Stocks) Regulation, 1956.
2. [u du) Regulation unies! the context otherwise requins—
“authon'sed ofiiœr" means any District Agent any Commandant
cf Police m' ofiîcer in charge of a demhment of Police and theù'
assistants and any other persan desigunted in wriling by the
Resident Omnminsionm as an authorised ofiiœr for the purpose
of min regulntion.
“liquor” mcans alcoholic liquor as defined in paragraph 3 of Article
59 of Lhe nfmcmentionnd Pmtocol
“persan” includes a commercial undertaking.
3. (i) Every persan haviug in bis possession onmder his control
on the date of signature of this Regulation more than 50 gallons (227
Htl'cs) ofbeer and wine or more (han 10 gallans (45.5 litres) cf spirils
mu, in thecase ofperwns miding on Efate within 8 dnys, in the case
ofpe‘rsons residing on Espirim Sanm within 22 days, and in the case
of persans residing on auy other islnnd in Lbe Group, or on nny
inter—islam or ceutal vessel, widnin 36 days, fumish to the District
Agent of his nationality in the District in which he raides or his ship
at the time lies adeclaration in the form shown in Schedule One of the
amount and kinds cf liquor held by him on the date of signature cf
tlu'l Regulation.
(ü) Provided that notwithstanding the fongoing any authorised
affiner mny on or at any Cime subxequmt 10 the date cf signature cf
this Regnlation requise any petson to furnish a declmtion in the
prescribed foi-m whether or net flic stock of liqum' held by him
emeds the quantifies mentioned in the fil'St “lb—section oi' this
4. EVery licensed importer of liquot and every other persan
required to fumish a declm-ation under the preceding section,
including lhe proviso Lherew, shnll keep n register in which 11e shall
permanently record in ink or indelihle penui], in English or in French,
Lb: stock on the date tu which the declarafion refera, all subsequent
receipts of liquor, with the date thexeof, and the date and a full
description of the manne: in which such liquor bas been disposed cf;
the register shall be in the form shown in Schednle two and shnll slmw
thc balance held at the end of euh month.