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Jnint Regulatiom [12 o! 1956
Ta provide (or me nation o! a Joint Mmalogiul qunrflnem.
Condominium Gazette N0. I931
MADE by the Resident Commissioners, so nuthorised by delc—
gations cf thc powers of the Briüsh and French High Commissioners
dated rupectively 29m September 1955 and 16th May 1933 (rule
number 47 C.G.) under thc provisions of articles 5 (2) and 7 of th:
Angle-Franc]: Protocol of 1914.
l. There is hneby constituted n Ioini Meteorological Depart—
ment du Administration oi which shall be œgulnted by Joint
Standing 0rders oî the Resident Commissionem
2. This Regulation may b3 cited as 1h: “Meteorological
Depamnent Joint Regnlation No. 12 of 1956" and shall be demed
t0 have had efi'ect frmn me lst day of July 1956.