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Joint Regulations [2 o! 1957
of Association, and the identity ofita oflîcc-bcarers and managers
and directors;
In either case, a sufiicient stateinent of the technical and
financial background cf the applicant
4. Over and abuve the neocssity m cbtain a pemonal anthori—
The sole right tu prospect for a mineral depoait shali be
conditional on the grant of a prospector’s licence.
The right t0 work a minerai deposit shall be conditionai on
the grant of a lease iaaned by virtue cf a prospecting licence.
Prospectci’s licence and leaaes shall be granud by the
Rcaident Commissioners jointly.
5. The Resident Commissioners may, by meana of joint
enactmta made for tJJe implementafion cf the present Regulation.
fix the generai conditions tobe imposed on licenceholders and lessees,
in regard to—
l. the legal form of underrakinga and 111e amonnt and dia-
tribution cf capital invested;
2. the conditions under which prospecting extraction and
working may be carried on;
3. flic conditions cf employment oi' labour;
4. the diaposal cf 111e minerais extracted;
5. the method of calculating and the rate cf royalties and
taxes to be levied for the benefit of the joint budget.
6. (a) A prospecting licence shall confer, within the specific
limita of its area and without limitation on vertical depth, the
exclusive right oi‘ prospecting for the minerais for which it is granted.
(b) An application for a prospecting licence must be submitned
to the Department of Mines and give:
l. du: name of the applicant and bis nationality;
2. references tn the personnl authorisntion and its validity;
3. the minerai or minerais for which the licence is requested;
44 Lb: area to be prospected.
(c) Th: ares shall be bounded by a square the aides cfwhich shnll
nm in the directions true Nanh—South and East—Welt.
The length ofeacli aide shail be not less Lhan 500 men-es and not
more than 10 kilometres. The applicant shail have the right t0 have
hi: prospecting licence limited to thoae portions of the square not
covered by the sen and tc pay the fee l'or this area only. Attached to
the application must be two copies of a sketch or plan on the scaie of
1—10,000 showing truc North and indicaîing the position cf one ol‘
the angles of the square in relation t0 an outstanding flxed land—