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Joinl Regulationr [2 u! 1957
cf the prospecting lioenoe by virtne oi‘ which it ia requested;
2. be nommpanied by two copies of a surface plan on the
sosie cf l—l0,000 set to truc north and indicating the exact
position of the area requested for lease in relation to the
area of the prospecting licence by virtue of which the
request is made;
3. be mompanied by ail neeeasary information (plana,
reports, analyses, quantifie: etc.) in regain to dm results of
the work, oompleted bearing on the position, the nature and
the charactetistics of the deposit to be exploited and
ennbling its existence to be confirmed. The area must be
entirely contained within the area of the prospectins
licence on which it is based and it must be limitcd, bal-ring
derogatian by a square or rectangle set in the directions
Nurth-South and Enst—West. It must have a minimum area
cf 15 hectares.
(d) ’I’he application shaJl b: regisœred et the Depuunent of
Mines, the dam and honr ofits deposition being recorded in a special
regisœr provided for the purpose. A receipt shnll be issned.
(e) le lease if granted, shail be eflected by a Joint Decision of
the Resident Commissionezs lcnown as a “certificate cf lease”, which
shall be published in the Condominium Gazette.
(f) If without due cause t0 the satisfaction of the Resident
Commissioners the working cf the lease is not undertaken or i:
suspended or restricted or carried on in a manner contrary tu the
public intcrest rixe lessee may be required by the Resident Com-
missioners to undermke, resnme, continue, innenaify or modin the
activities within a stated period which shal] not be less than six
On failure to comply with this order the lessee may lose ln's
rights and me lease shall be sold in accordance with conditions set
out in a Joint Onier.
(g) The lessee shail pay to (lie Condmninium budget an annnal
rent based on the area leased; in del'ault of whicli lie shall be liane
to the penalty set forth in the second snb—paragraph of paragraph (f)
abave. In addition there shail be charged a royalty based on the
value cf the minerais extraçled.
(l1) The lease shail be valid for twenty-five years. 'l’he holder of
the lease may apply for renewaL Applications for renewai must be
addressed to the Resident Commissions not more than eighteen
months and not less than one yeai- before tlme date on which the
lease is due t0 expù‘e. On receipt of an applicafion l‘or renewni Lhe
Resident Commissioners may at their discretion eiLher reject or
acœde to it. In lb: latter case dm lense will be renewed l'or a fnsh
period of twenty-five years with du possibility of tenewai thereafier
in the saule way; a new oefüficate of lease shall be issued the con—
ditions of which may differ from those of the original certificats of