MADE by the British and French Resident Commissionen under
tlm provisions of Artiples 7, 5 and paragrnph 2 of Article 2 of the
Anglo-French Protocol cf 1914.
l. This Regulation may bevcited us due Joint Finance chula-
tian, 1957.
2. The annuel animales of remue and expendirln'e of the
Joint Administration 81ml] be preparod by the Resth Commission-
ers and submimad Cc Her Majesty‘s Gnvernment in the United
Kingdmn and to the Government of the French Repnhlic for
3. Th: esfimates shall comprise—
Ordi'nary revenue: dm [11'00de cf fixes, fecs and dues of all
nom; with revenue from Joint Adminimnüan propetty
and Bank deposilx, and any other reeeipts or a recurrent
Extraorth re'veiuœ: the proceeds of the sale of Joint Admini—
strafion propeny; gants and withdrawals from‘ mener;
ürdina‘ry expenditure: payment w cover th: remuent mais of
norlnnl'servioes; ,
Extraordinary expcnditure: capital and otlwr non—remirent
l expenditure.
4. Estimates or revenue and :xpendimre from non-remuent
puma or 1mm flust shall be shown sepmtely.
5. Approval nf the annual esümates ahall be signified by Lb:
entament nf an Appropriation chnlatiun.
Enme Promets
6. The “finnncial year” 1.0 which the estimates 3112111 apply
shall nm from lst Janunry t0 315! December of each year.