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Joint Regulatîmu [10 a! 1957
Provided that in order to allow for 111e mlletfion cf revenu:
atising, andtlw seulement ofexpcndinm incurred duringthe financial
year but far which the suppnrting documents are not avnilable by
3lst Deoember, the aocounts for the financial year will not be closed
until the 28111 Febmary of the following year.
7. (a) The authority to approve expendjture i3 vesœd in thn
Resident Commissioners who may delègate this authority, aflcr
approval of t1): estimates, by Geml Warrant w 111e Ordonnateur
who shnll axerciae it subject to approval by tlw Tmsurer.
(b) Pending approval of the estimaæs, t1): Raideut Commis-
sionsrs may issue a Provisional General Warrant for a perlad no!
exceeding three montha at a time, and for amounts nvt exoeeding
une quarter cf thc amount approved in t1): preccding year in respect
of each item.
(c) The Ordonnateur may, by means of a Financial Warrant,
delegate anthority ta incur expenditure tu a Head of Depammnt
which, for the pnrposes of this Regulation, 511211 include any persan
sa designaœd by 111c Reaidmt Commissions“.
(d) A Head ot' Department may snb-delcgate authority to
incur expendimre to a aubordinate ofiîoer by meanu ofaDcpamnental
(e) The Rosident Commissioners may jointly authorise
variations in the approved estinmœs within such limi'a and subjecl
to suc]: conditions as the High Commissioners may from Lime to
time prescribe.
8. (a) Expenditnre may only be incuned within the lùnitn
set by Warrant which may not authorise amoums in eues; of thme
authorised in the General Warrant.
(b) Authority t0 incur anpplemcntary expenditur: may be
granted by Specinl Warrant issued joinlly by the Resident Com-
9. A11 Warrants specified in t1]: precedins paragraph 5112.11
œaae tu have eifect at the end ofthe financial year in respect ot'which
they have boen issued.
10. Any oflîoer incnrring expendimre in exocss of thn amount
for which authority bas been granœd t0 him, ar in dm absence of a
Warrant, may be held personally and financially responsible there—
Aumomnnon or Emrruxa AND mm
11. Any Head of Depnrtment. or cfliœr auflwrised by him by
Depamnental Warrant, 811311 ha responsible for informing the
Ordonnateur of Lhe amount 01‘ any expenditure incurred by hi: