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Joint Regulatiuns [10 oi 1957
28. (a) ands heid by revenue collectors or paying ofiiners
ahall not be ured by them exwpt for purposea which are properly
(b) Al] ofiioers shall be personally and pecuniarily responaible
for any public funds held by thon].
(c) In the event of any losa or deficiency the Reaidnnt Commis-
sioners may, in their diacrction and having aoquainted themselve:
of Lb: circumstancea, authorîse lb: write—ofi' of any public funda or
Provided that the affiner responsîble for the custody of mir
funds or stores shall be required to show thnt he did conscimliollsly
apply the provisions of thia regulnlion and orders malle under it.
(d) Tire powera oî du Reaident Commissioners m approve a
write—ofi‘ ahall be prescribed bry tho High Commissioneta whoae prior
anthority ahnll be required l'or any wrile-ofi' beyond the limite so
E. (a) The Rcsident Commissioners ahall (ako auch atepa
as they consider neœssary to manage the aocumulated revenue
balance ofthe Joint Adminimtion and may, subject tu tire provisions
of this Regnlation. authorise withdrawals fram and additions m
auch balance.
(b) Thc mmulated revenue balance shall wholly or in part,
according to un requiremems or normal administration, be main-
tained on deposit in a bank or banka, or otherwiae murely invenerl
in mon marmot as may from time to time be prescribed by Joint
Decision or the Reaident Commissionen.
30. 'l'he aocounting records of the Joint Administmtion 51ml]
show a.“ transactions relating to—
(1) the engagement cf expenditnre and Lhe seulement of
(ii) tire collection of revenue; and
(iii) other asses and liabilities not specificaily excmptcd tirero—
from by me Reaidem Commiss’ioners.
31. (a) The following principal records oi' aocount shall be
(i) a Vote Bock, by tir: Ordonnatfllr and each holder of a
vaJid Warrant;
(ü) a regiater of Paymmt Vmwhers, by d]: Ordonnanenr;
(iii) a Register cf Receivable Ordera, by me Ordonnateur;