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Joint Regulmiom [12 o! 1957
“produise” imam any kind or locally produœd m manufactured
' gonds for expert;
“tidal lande” or “foreshore“ means such parts of th: bed, shore ar
banlu nf a. tidal water as are oovered and Imcovered by Lhe flow
and ebb of me tide at ordinary spring (ides;
“tidal water" menus any part of Lb: sen or of a river within, th: ebb
and flow cf du ride et otdinary spring (ides;
“vesse ” includes every description oi‘ ship or bout and means any-
thing manie or used t0 carry by water or l0 hold or contain on
waœr any human hein; or gonds or property whatxoever;
“warehmule” includns all wamhouses, buildings or premises in wlu'ch
gonds landed from or to be carried in vessels, may be Iawfully
“whnrves” includes 311 wharves, quays, piers, jetfi in or on or frorn
which pawengers or gonds mny be mkan on board cf or landed
from vessels.
Ponn or EmY
3. Tire port of Vil: in the island of Efntc and the port of Snnto
in ch: island of Espiritu Santo shall be thc only ports cf entry for
du New Hebridns and th: masters of ail vessels enœringth: Group
from foreign ports mu repart first to the Cusmms Authurin'œ at
either lhe port cf Vil: or the Port of Sanm and nll vesselx leaving the
Group for foreign ports shnll clear from me ports of Vilz and Santo
Provided flint Lb: Rerident‘ Commissioners mny by Joint
Decision and subject w such conditions as they mny prescribe
nuflmrise dm enlry into and departnre from Lb: New Hehrides cf
vcsselr at ports other than thon of Vila and Saute.-
And furthzr provided that in the case cf veau]: which may
through stress of weathcr or othnr cirvumsunœs b9 compellèd w
disregard the provisions of this article the anus of proof thnt suc];
dîsregm‘l was caused by oircumxîanccs over which tlw muter of du
vassal had nu control shall rest on suc]: muter otherwiu hc shall be
conside as having becn gnilty of an Dflmœ agnînst this Joint
4. In :11 mimer: meeting vessels putting in ut du ports of
Viln and Saute du two Residcnt Commissioners shall be oonsidered
as reprcsenting thc marine nuthorities of thcir respective nations.
5. Any vassal which enters a port o!” entry in the New Hebrides
from any place beyond the Group shall be subject to th: following