[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulations [12 of 1957
16. Notwithstnnding anything conmined in this Joint Reguln-
tion no civil action for damages or otherwise shall lie in respect of
nny damage occasioned by a pilet in the performance of his dun'es
agnth the Joint Administration in respect of any such damage as
17. Whenever the Resident Commissioners are satisfied that
any licensed pilotis nnfit ro be liœnsed as snob on the grounds of
physioal disability, want of skill or neglect of dnty, lhey may by act-
ing joinfly cancel the licence of snob. lioensed pilet.
[18. The Resident Commissioners may by joint mies prescribe
fees payable in respect oi‘ pilotage and nmy specify what proportion
or chose fees may be retained by s pilot lioensed under the provisions
of section 13.]
19. Any vessel arriving in nny port having on board gunpnwder
or any other explosive mater-in] or any cargo or maœrial of s danger-
ous or inflammable nature shall not berth at auy Wharf withont the
permission of the harbour marrer and, if so reqnired, shall romain
moored a! a plsoe apsrt from the main trafic unti] soc]: gnnpowder
or other explosive mnterial hns been removed from suc]: vessel or,
in the opinion of Lhe barbour msster, shall have eeased to be danger-
mls, and from rime of entering the port nntil such goods have been
unloaded shall fiy during the dsy Lime a red flng oi' not less Lhan six
feet by four feet from the msinrnast head and during the night shnll
show a red light t0 be visible a.ll round the horizon for a distance of
nt least two miles.
20. Any person using any explosive or dischnrging nny firesnn
within the limits of a port without the permission cf the barbour
muter shnll be guilty cf an oflenoe agnth tln's Joint Reguhtion.
Wkscxs, Osmucnons, MOURINGS
21. Should nny vessel or pan rhereof, timber or other thinz
be sunk or smnded in any port, the marrer of awner Lhereot' shsll
upon the reoeipt or an order tu that affect from the hnrbour masser,
and within snob time fixed in snch order, clesr Lhe pon of snob vessel.
rimher or other thing. and s11 parts cf the saine, and cf the cargo or
ballast of suoh vessel, and shonld Lhe masser or owner aforessid
fsil w comply with such aider the harbvur master msy direct the
removal of snob vessel or part of the sme and cargo or ballast
thereof. timber or other thing a! the expense of thc ownet thereol'.
22. No person other Lhnn the owner shall destroy or demolish
or interfere wiLh auy wrecked or stranded vessel or auy part thereof
witbin the limits of l port without the permission of the owner
thereof or of the harbour muter given under Article 21.
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[Joint mies
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