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Joint Regulm'ons [12 cf 1957
n. No persan shall lay down in the port any private buoy,
mocn'ng cr anche! without the permission of the barbour mimer
and under snch conditions as mny be prescribed. Any nuch permis-
sion mny be at any time withdrawn whcrenpon any such buoy,
mooring cr anche: shnll immediately be removed by 111e owner
thcreof and, failing anch removal by such cwner, it mny be efi'ected
at the expense of lb: owner aforesaid.
M. No persan shnll remove any atone, sln'ngle cr eanh or
m.th material from within the limite cf any portwithouttheanlhority
given in writing of thc han-bout muter.
25. (l) The Rcsident Commissionem may, subject to such
conditions as they my deem fit and on payment cf such fee or
annuel fee as may be prescribed by Joint Rulen, licence and permit
my pan cf tlne tidnl lands and waters ofa port to be used or occupied
for nll cr any of due following pnrposes—
(Î) thc building or xepaù-ing cf venels of any kind;
(ii) theerection of ami use ol' nny boat—shed. landing—plnce or
(fin flic ercction of bnths and bath honses and any enclume
or fence necessary l'or the promotion or privany nfthe saine;
(iv) any other purpose relafing to 111e convenienoe cf shipping
or cf the public as they may approve:
Provided that the Resident Commislianm acting jointly may
at any lime revokc ml: licence withcnt ptejudice t0 any claim for
compensation by any pnrty advener alfectcd by such revoclm'on‘
(2) The revocation of any such licence shall no: take efi'ect
nntil the expiration of six months une: service on the licensee cf a
written notice cf the revocaticn of flic licence.
(3) No suc]: licence or permit shnll be granœd which will
interfae will: tlne free navigation of the port.
(4) The Resident Commissionm may nuthorise the licence:
to make such maximum charges m the public l'or ch: use ol' a Wharf
ns mny be prescribed by lb: Rbsident Commissionen.
Any persan, not being the holder of a licence issncd under Lhe
Article, who shall erect cr consn'uct a wharîin any port or enmoach
in any wny on the water cf any port shall be guilty of an ofi'enoe
against this Joint Regulntion.
25. There shnll be exhibîœd mil lighta as may be requind by
the Resident Commissioners frmn any such pan cf the tidal land:
and tidzl waters licenxed na nbnve provided for.