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loin: Regulan'onr [12 a! 1957
Humour Mnsm’s Powm or Emv ou LAND AND Coan or
27. The harbour master or any person nains under authority
of the Rcsident Oommissioners mny at any time pass and repass
without hindranoe over any land in the Group wheresoever situated
in the exocution of hix duty in relation to Iights, lighthouses, buoys
and beaoons.
28. When in the opinion of the Harbour Master any ljght
exhibitod or shown from any building or other place on shore is
such as may be mixtaken for or uken to ho a port or navigation light,
the Harbour Masler may order the discontinuanoc of such light or
the effective screening of tlw saine.
Provided thnt auy persan aggn'evod by such order may, afler
oomplying with the ordor, appeal to tho Resident Commissioners.
JOINT AoumlmAnon Wx-uuuv AND l’on-r CHARGES
29. 'I‘ho Resident Commissioners aoting jointly mny hy Joint
Rulcs define an area surrounding a Joint Administration Wharf as
being the pur-lieus of such wharf, and any vcssel anchored or moored
within rush ares shall be deernod for all purposes oi' this Ordinancc
to be berthed at such Wharf.
30. No vessel shall berth at a Joint Administration Wharf or
lie within the purlieus thereof exoept with tho permission of tho
harbour muter.
31. There 511.311 be paid on vessels berthod at a Joint Administra-
tion Wharf, tonnage and berthing dues amording to a anale prescribod
by Joint Rnles.
32. There shall be paid in respect of 11.11 gonds and produœ
loaded or diacharged at a Joint Administration Wharf, wharfage
charges aocording to a scale prescrihed by Joint Rules.
33. Thore shall be paidin respect ofgoods andproduoe loaded
or discharged in a port1 other thxn nt a Joint Administration Wharf,
snoh chargea as mny be prescribed by Joint Rulos.
34. The Resident Commissioners aoting jointly nmy exempt
any Glass of vessels or goods from the payrnent oi‘ dues under this
Joint Regulation,
35. Every persan commits an ofl'enoe who duos or causes or
permim t0 be donc any of the following things, thnt i3 t0 say«
(i) casts or sufi'ers tu full into a port, or plaer on land in such
a position tint it may be oarriod or Washed down into n