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1m: Regulation: [12 or 1957
port, any noxions material or thing, or thing likcly t0
interfere with navigation;
Provided mat the lurbour mater may permit dm
masær of a vesael tu diacharge ballast, mm, oil and ships’
refiise at such planes and in m1: manner as he may direct;
(ii) casts or places or leaves any vessel laid by or negecœd as
Imfit for sen service or any floaüng or other timber or any
other thing in any port;
(iii) crecîs any beaoon in a port without the authurity of t1]:
harbour muter;
(iv) removes, injures, alters or destroys any navigation light, or
port installation;
(v) givea or ofiers auy money or thing by way or reward or
brñae t0 any harbour muter, pilet or otlm' ofiîoer employed
about a port for t1]: purpose of gaining an nndne preference
in the execution cf bis ofiice or for th: plu'poee of inducing
him to do ar omit to do nnything relating lo bis oifioe.
36. Any persan committing an oiîenoe againat thin Joint
Regulation, or againat any Joint Rulea mule therelmdet, shall be
fiable to a fine not exoeeding 820 or to impriaonment not exceeding
one monLh or to both such fine and impñxot.
Provided Lhat whzre such au ofi'ence is also an oflenoe undnr the
national law applicable to snob ofl‘ender no action shall he takcn under
this Joint Regulation in respect of auch ofl‘den
37. T11: Resident Commissioan mutins jointly may make
Joint Rnles an they consider neoessary for carrying this Joint Regnla-
tion into efl‘ect.
38. Articles 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 of Joint Regulation No. 2 cf
1907 as amended by Joint chnlation No. 13 of 1953 are hmby
Mnde a! Viln this thirtyfint day of December, 1957.
The Reaident Commissioner
for Lhe French Repllinc.