[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Vanuatu Police and Mobile Force
'I`hc police force must hc zu the service ui justice and organized
accnrditlg in the nccds nf the citizcns and so ns to help them.
Thu pulicc mu~t tulfii il* dltic~ with respect fur the civic amd
Tn hc uhlc tu du in mrl×_ hu pt›|i:c mm! hc zi fluhlc furcc
tcctullcd in un nrtlcili |n.1|ncr :ind under cqtuluhlc working
l`hc Muhilc I-`t»|t- mu×l huip the puliu- in |t× work :ind lnuk ztflcr
|:mnn.|| sccutity The |ncmhc|.× 01 the Muhilu Furcc should
h.|c the muc r|g|1t~ :md lx-|1cl'|l.× zx* hc |vt›||ucn1cn.
Public AAjl|uini.lratii›n
Puhlic~c|'m1t›|1.tc¿ hc.| xu_×pu|›|htlit tu hc Stutc,
.' pimvn public ×ct'icu |› |1ccc××.ttygn<›t! gtwcrninciil,
l''utm1c :unI×uc|:|| tl«_-xt-lupntcnl xlc|cml~n|1tl1c cutnpclcncc
and cpc|'|c|(c ut pnlwllc uthcch.
I hc /tl|vi|1~lx';tio|1mu×hc:nhc
c|l|/cn~ .nul tl~ mt'tc|«›|1tllunul nhxlltlcs :md nur mc1m›.
l`hc pulihu »ur'1cc ×|x«m|t1|u›1«›|il hczttlhc scrvicc <›t`thc ccnlratl
.|t||mn|×u.t1mnm1;tI×t›×¢|*vutlu tl›riv×;1mI tlictmtcx'is|u|1ti›*.
Rt*|t* 1ht› ×;1I.u|t-× .intl t-mpluyint-ni tt-nm and u›nthion.~ ui
viI ~t-i:uit~.
Wc mu›t p||×uc .1 tlccculiztll/Lttiuit pwltçy Winch will nul hc mu
cu~t|i lurthc N;tu<›n.
Rcmtl u cuttmn pc|>cc|1l.|5_~: ut the ~um,~ rcccivctl hy hc Ccnlrztl
(imci ntm-nl lu lhc Iuml g¿ncrnn1cnt :md tu the municip:xlitic.~.
Give morc udminislrutivc uml financial powcn tu hc local
government* in order lhztl they cun curry nul pmjccls wilh their
uwn ftiiids.
l)c/clap u mure dcccntrulizcd land policy.
Whcn hc (`cntrz1I (invcrnmcnt gcnuincly tlcccntrulizcs powers
to the rcgion._ pcuplc purticipatlc hcttcr in the dcvclupmcnt of
thciruwn district without the nccd tu impmc zi hcud lux.
@st & 'Telecommunications
Rcncw and tu impmvc thc domestic and uvcrscus
cummunictttium syslcm.
Enfiurc hcttcr cnrnmunicutiun hclwccn the uutcr islunds and
the capital hy cxlcntiing thc lclccumniunicutinns ›ystcm.
Impmvc thc di›putching of muil hctwccn i›Iund› and the
dclivcry nf inlcrnutionul mail.