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LIST OF FIGURES IN THE TEXT Plan of a village in Scniang . . . . . . . 24 Plan of the dancing ground of Sarembal, Lambumbu district . . 29 Diagrammatic sketch showing the construction of an amp! . . 33 Diagram of a house in the north-west district . . 34 A humming top and a silent top, used as toys in Seniang. . 43 Diagram illustrating the method oi planting yams . . . . 185 A property mark, noghorghov, set up to protect coco-nuts from thieves I89 Diagram illustrating one method oi no-operative ï¬Åshing t . ' . 190 Graph illustrating the increasing value oi pigs according to their size and Later to the development Q1 their tusk-curvature . . 196 (11 and b) Diagrams illustrating the construction of a Tornrnan Island canoe; (0) a. paddle, pp. 208, 209 . . . . . 208 Three diagrams illustrating the construction oi a raft . . . 210 Three arrow-heads showing details of carving and of the method of attaching the bone points . . , . . . . 215 Diagram illustrating the arrangement in front oi the umel when the newly incised boy presents pigs to his maternal uncle . . 247 Designs painted on the lace and body by members of diï¬Åerent Nimangki grades . . . . , . . . . 283 A ritual object, mu/anavu, belonging to the Nimangki grade Mbalmbal 298 Diagram of the amzl nitames set up at entrance to the Nimimgki grade Nwelwl . . . . . . . . . 303 Diagram of the nimsul made for the entrance rites of the Nimungki grade Nimew . V . . . . . . . 328 Diagrarnniatic sketch oi the shone, nimlmlizin nave! . . . . 338 (1. b, 0, mi) Diï¬Åerent varieties of penis wrappers. associated with diflexent grades in the Nimnngki_ Lambumbu . . . 344-5 Sketch of a carved and painted new gong surmounted by a wooden cock, rnacle for a nelemew. Lambumbu . . . . . 359 Diagrammatic sketch of the tmij for the Nimangki grade Lakï¬Ånra. Vanbaut (Part Sandwich) . . . . - . . 381 Longitudinal section of a lemes nauinggol . . . , . 391 Sketch of a mminggal set up at entrance to the Nulawan Naainggol . 398 The two types oi m'le1/is for the Nalnu/an grade Nisamp 1 fa) a 'm'tev1's carved in tree-fern, painted black, white, and yellow ; (b) a ta:/siim mbaai as drawn by Arnanrantus . _ . . . A 405 Diagrarnmatic sketch of the front oi the amsl decorated ior the Nalawma grade Ame! Szsmrzndur . . . . . . 409 Tame: Malau mask for Nalau/an Nimbwilei . . . - . 428 1-7. Designs used in decorating the mxai ndh screens of the Naai M6767! group of the Nima/ngki Tlal of Lernburnbu . . . 442 xi