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32 MALEKULA new nembwelzmggu mm nembumm/umh ,' nggém tuzm leaf of thc bastard cotton which I shall hold; oi you one ambï¬Årtaren nesaaji ; nggï¬Åm man b61111/elem bevel! roll up the pudding leaves; of you one come, carry nemlam ngei.“ N 6m/ur ieli imerah, ivwelem, i1/eh, the yam this." A man another he gets up, he comes, he carries nemiam, saghan nï¬Åmw mm ighagharzt ngei ; iveh, the yam unto the man who is scraping; he carries it, ivw itokh saghan nesaap, iviuireh .- he goes he stops by the bundle of pudding leaves, he calls out: "Mai! nggï¬Åm hum bï¬Åvu/elem, bnsogh nemiam ei./" Muman “ Hi! oi you one come, break up the yam here!â€ù One man imerah, ivu, isogh. I sogh mahan, he gets up, goes, breaks (it) up. He cuts (it) up completely: {tau nimins Zen nesaap retan, he puts the pudding knife in the pudding leaves on the ivu imwaam. " Gevu/elem lieh, geveh lieh ground, he goes, he sits down. " Come again, carry again mmdam ei nenai ! â€ù I vu lieh, iveh (the yam here this one!" He goes again, he carries (it ivwelem, itokh. “Mai! gevu/elem, gosogh bieh, nmdam ngei!â€ù (it) comes, he stops. “ Hi! come, P again the yam this!â€ù “Nggb'm tuan bambungmbung.“ “Nnou, nmbambuï¬Ågmbung; “ Of you one scrape." "I, I will scrape ; saamiem, mmbensensaviil nmm.â€ù “Nggï¬Åm tmm biisar wait a minute, I will wash myself." “Of you one take naai rah." “Nnou, nelzh, nembeszr.â€ù Imerah, ? ?,“ “ I, I see (it), I will take (it).â€ù He gets up, ivu, iser, ivwelem, itou Zen nesaap. he goes, he takes (it), he comes, he puts (Fit) in the leaves. Nï¬Åmur ngei iuu, imwaam wtan saghzm nesaap Man that he goes, he sits down on the ground beside the leaves ngei, imbungmbung. “Mai, humbungmbtmg mah.P" “O6, . those, he scrapes. " Hi, have you ï¬Ånished scraping? â€ù " Yes, namlnmgmbuug mah 1." “Kaams nelang ngei bï¬Årevï¬Åkf’ In have ï¬Ånished scraping.â€ù " Knead pudding that well." “ 06, naans rev6k." “ Gevi bemal1/111515, mzrisi " Yes, I am kneading (it) well." "Make (it) thin, I do not nembéglum nelomg matl," “ Hmri mahem P " " (36? like to eat pudding thick.â€ù “ Have you ï¬Ånished?" "Yes." “Irem'w'khI nggï¬Åm tuan bweser nï¬Åwang biivwzlem, nmnbemetm “Good! of you one take the cabbage it comes, I will cover (it) nggor. N gg6m luan bughumghum nggor. ’ ’ across. Of you one cover (it) with leaves across." A lmwaam, atmm mm nmmlah, attenzgh 'They sit. down, they cook in the oven, they -await (that)
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