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THE VILLAGE AND VILLAGE LIFE 39 Mam bzmef. Naam inef, mum iuweri .' “Mai, naam ngei the ï¬Åre shall glow.‘ The ï¬Åre glows, one says: " Hi, fire that imaul, inef Zen novulah, bu/itzm mzlang tringgit. is ‘bad ', it is glowing in the oven, let us put (in) pudding our." "65, vwdmmiang, ambï¬Årser mmi gel/nggal,â€ù bwelem.â€ù Tuan imeru, "Yes, true, let them take the tongs, they come." One gets up, iser naai gelnggal, iser en, ivwer : " N’h.I " he takes the tongs, he gives them, he says: "Here I " I ser saghzm inggeleh baghah nevat. He gives to him, he lifts out clear (with the tongs) the stones. “ M ai, nggï¬Åm tmm bwenggelenggalén nelang ngei.“ “Hi, of you one lift out (the stones for) pudding that.â€ù Titan imam, ivu, iser mun’ gelnggal ngei, ivu/elem, inggeleh, One gets up, goes, takes the tongs those, comes, lifts with the tongs nei/at, ivu, itau run nelzmg ngei. "Nengeleh baghah the stones, goes, puts on pudding that. "I have lifted clear mahien newt.â€ù “ Gmtggelmggal with the tongs completely the stones." " Have you lifted mahien nelang ngei iï¬Ångi" “O5.â€ù “Nggdm man (the stones) completely on that pudding? " “ Yes." “ Of you one bazzmbis.â€ù Ar man immzh, iambis. “Nggé‘m mam bosogh cover it.â€ù Of them one gets up, covers (it). “ Oi you one spread B nouulah ngei.â€ù " 66, nnou.â€ù Iuu, iser (the stones) that oven.â€ù " Yes, I (will)? He goes, he takes naai soghsogh mm novulahf ivwelem, isogh nouulah, the spreading stick of the oven, he comes, he spreads the oven, isogh mahan, iuwui : “ M at“, nesogh mahien he spreads completely, he says: “ Hi, I have spread completely, ambwitveh mlang ngzi bd'vwelem." "617, gï¬Åmem bwiweh.â€ù cdrry (you) that pudding (it) comes." “ Yes, we, we will carry (it).â€ù Ai1I8h,: I I utfiim, attou ran novuluh. Arser They,;c;trry,(it), they go, they put on the oven. They take naai.» gelnggal, amggelnggal on nzlzmg ngei. Inenong, the tongs, they lift (the stones) on to that pudding. Finish, zzr11wer1§’:’ “Nggiim tuan bdvwelsm I2etamZn." “ O6 mwul they say: “ Of you one come, bury‘ (it)." “Yes, I (will)! Wal ti mlanum 1'ezm'P" “ Wal neveei ioghm'?â€ù But the leaves where are they? " " What is that over yonder? â€ù ‘ Benz] ; this term signiï¬Åes that the ï¬Åre has ceased to blaze, but gives forth a duLl red hm.-A. B. D4 _ _ ‘ There is some doubt as to how this word should he spelt 2 whether riaai gelnggal or mun Mggshtggal. On the whole the former is probably the more a.ccurate,—C, H. W. V ‘ Basogh means literally " spear ". but is here used for the action of lining the cooking oven with the stones which have been made red hot by the ï¬Åre.»- A. B, D. : ‘ lietai/ï¬Ån, this means literally " bury " ; here it signiï¬Åes to cover over the food in the oven with leaves and (?) stones.
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