[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
TWW KINSHIP ORGANIZATION IN SOUTH-WEST 55 ‘ _ (5) Clan with the “ parent â€ù village Vanha :— ’ E wwiwwwwiww (6) Clan with the parent ‘village Viinbangk :— ll 2 |Fï¬Åï¬Åï¬Åï¬Å?lï¬Åï¬Åï¬Åï¬Å"W 3 (7) Clan with the “ parent " village Loormbap :- 5 wwwww (8) Clan with the “ parent â€ù village Uraau :—~ 77177333 (9) Clan with the “ parent " village Amel Tamat :—- ' 7771‘7‘71 (10) Clan with the “ parent “ village Teleleu :— é fl1“1“11 (11) Clan with the parent " village â€ù Batnetamp :— "|1flï¬Å-1'|O|'1'1q'1-1 (12) Clan with the parent “ village â€ù Loormbarap :— 7777“7‘7177 (13) Clan with the “ parent " village Nembiirii :— gt 1 ww*11~111@~ _ . (I4) Rhythm of the village Mbwilmbar :~—— 1ï¬Å11ï¬Å*777“17177W11 (15) Clan with the “ parent " village Rahulemp :— 1 w=~=.~ï¬Åï¬Å i - (16) Clan with the “ parent â€ù village Luha :- E 777*???“ (17) Clan with the " parent " village Tevi :— t wwwiwwwiwwwwitwwwa l (18) Clan with the “ parent " village Tenemet :— 3 11117“171‘17ï¬Å1“° _0 _0 KC‘- './'r»>~»:~ ~ ‘ " v Y, Q1‘
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